Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strategies Learner Used Facilitate Learning In Workplace

Strategies Learner Used Facilitate Learning In Workplace The aim of this assignment is to reflect on and analyse, strategies used to facilitate learning with a newly qualified member of staff in the authors working environment. The new member of staff will be referred to as the student during this assignment. This paper will show how one particular teaching session relates to theories of learning. Reflection has been defined by Taylor ( 2000 ) as : The throwing back of thoughts and memories, in cognitive acts such as thinking, contemplation, meditation and any other form of attentive consideration, in order to make sense of them, and so make contextually appropriate changes if the required. However, the definitions from Boyd Fales ( 1983 ) and Dewey ( 1996 ), who considers that it is purposeful activity in thinking about an experience, through which learning takes place. Boyd and Fales focus more on self development. Here reflection does not only add to our knowledge but challenges the concepts and theories we hold. Furthermore as a result we dont see more, we see differently. The reflective process is at least to some degree conscious, but may not be verbalized. The author also, believes and agrees with John (2004), that reflection are often triggered by feelings and greatly influences decision making. This emphasises the importance of reflection in practice. The English National Board (ENB) and the Department of Health (DOH) 2001 defined a mentor as: denoting the role of the nurse, midwife or health visitor who facilitates learning and supervises and assesses students in practice setting would seem to be the most appropriate one to use. DOH (2001) identified that mentors need to possess a wide range of skills and to undergo a more robust preparation in order to equip students for their working life in todays modernised, demanding National Health Services (NHS). Although this is the definition that illustrate the entirety of the mentoring role. The author feels this definition gives a somewhat very cold and clinical approach to being a mentor and prefers the following definition by Morton-Cooper and Palmer (2000) who states A mentor is someone who provides an enabling relationship that facilitates anothers personal growth towards competent practice and high standard making the learning experience an enjoyable and mentally fulfilling. Thi s definition encompasses the emotional and personal part of the relationship, whether positive or negative, which the author feels is of utmost importance for a beneficial learning experience for both the learner and the mentor. In ICU, all new members of staff must have completed four weeks of supernumerary period to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to safely look after a critically ill patient. In planning to teach my student, The author need to accomplish three important aims as discussed by Wong et al, 1998; Conway and McMillan, 2000; (Cited in Jackson and Mannix 2001 p270), Provide student with the opportunity to develop their clinical skills; Integrate theory and practice; and, Assist their socialization into nursing. Prior to undertaking teaching of the student, the author ensured that the student had set a realistic goals and clear learning objectives and also, encouraged to question things that was not clear or difficult to understand. After much consideration based on the students learning needs, it was reciprocally agreed that the skill of zeroing of CVP and Arterial line would be one of the essential skills taught in ICU. The learner expressed the need to learn this particular skills, a nd Rogers (1996) views that learning is accomplished when a person feel a need, makes effort to meet that need, and feels satisfaction with the result of his effort. The student appeared keen to learn, and Hinchcliff (2001), views motivation as the major factor that encourages students to learn, and Oliver and Endersby (1994), sees motivation as one of the most basic conditions for learning. Motivation is heavily influenced by need, and Gross (2005) believes that how the motives underpinning behaviour are interpreted, depend upon the position of the work of a theorist or psychologist. Maslow (1970), while theorising human need, recognised that only when the needs lower down in the hierarchy are satisfied, the higher need will be met. The Intensive Care Unit is often very busy and stressful, and within the role of educator the author was very aware that the learner needed time away from the unit to unwind, as she could be very easily become over tired. On reflection this connects with the evaluation process of Gibbs reflective cycle, in ascertaining what was good about the experience. The Intensive Care Unit has its own coffee lounge away from the unit where tea and coffee is provided. Frequent breaks, comfortable chairs, a television, and availability of refreshments are what Rogers, (cited in Downie 2003) views as necessary for providing human comfort and resulting in meeting physiological needs. Maslows theory made a significant contribution of humanist thinking and the self actualization. The learning outcomes developed from our discussion were for the student to; Increase knowledge of zeroing CVP/Arterial Lines; Prepare resources and equipment correctly with minimal prompting or assistance; Carrying out the procedure using aseptic technique, efficiently and record the nursing procedure in the care plan or patient record. In order to do this, the author needed to look at the nature of the learning process. It is therefore crucial when setting out to undertake a mentoring role that there is an understanding of the way the adults learn. Learning can be defined formally as the act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skills (Conner, 1997). Facilitation of learning is defined by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) as a well-planned learning opportunity with the provision to coach and support students (RCN, 2002). This is supported by the Department of Health (DOH), which adds that facilitation of learning allows students to develop opportunities to identify experiences that meet their learning needs (DOH, 2001). Facilitation of adult learning is described by Banning (Cited on Warren 2010) as the ideas and theories that are accredited to prior experiences which need to be complemented by interaction and adult-orientated strategies. A successful mentor is able to transform previous experiences via experimental learning, enabling the student to make sense and learn from the experiences gained. However, facilitating student learning is not always easy in practice. Garrison et al (2004) remind us that while teaching the nursing leaders of the future, we do so in chaotic setting which is, in effect, an unhelpful learning environment. More recently, Swinny and Brady (2010) found that, on a ward setting, mentors have difficulty finding time to teach because of the busy and demanding nature of clinical environment. The premise that a student must have the desire to learn in order that learning that can take place seems obvious, but there are many elements of learning that can affect the desire to learn (Hinhcliff, 2001). Motivation is a major factor that manages students to further their knowledge. (Hinhcliff, 2001), and (Oliver and Endersby, 1994) support this view by believing motivation to be, one of the most basic conditions for learning to take place. An understanding of some theories is helpful to a mentor as it provides them with an opportunity to examine their own beliefs and assumptions about people, knowledge, motivation, environment, assessment and other factors necessary with learning (Nicklin and Kenworthy, 2000). Learning help us move from novice to expert and allow us to gain new knowledge and ability. (Benner, 1984). These theories provide framework for studying the processes associated with learning. Learning theories of behaviourism, cognitivism and humanism have attempted to provide explanation about learning that apply to people in general. In order to see the full potential in learning, knowledge of such theories is crucial to the success of the individual learner. Behaviourism argue that nearly all behaviour is learned. It is based on what is refered to as stimulus /response learning and originates with the russian psychologist, Pavlovs work with the dogs whereby he linked one stimulus meat powder to a second st imulus, the sound of a bell. This produced a salivation response and ultimately the dogs would salivate at the sound of the bell even in the absence of the meat powder. This experimentation produced Pavlovs theory of Classical Conditioning (McKenna 1995). The social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura could be useful within the affective areas of nursing in as much as the mentor behaves in ways he wants the learner to imitate, as a role modelling (Knowles, 1990). He stressed the importance of modelling other behaviours, which is known as observational learning (cited by Bahn, 2001). Because it encompasses attention, memory and motivation, social learning theory spans both cognitive and behavioural frameworks. Humanism developed during the 1950s and 1960s as an alternative to psychoanalysis and behaviourism, movements which until then dominated psychology. This perspective emphasises the importance of self. It advocates student centred learning related to each ones own unique experiences, Teachers are seen as facilitators of learning, rather than the expert handing down knowledge and understanding (Quinn, 2000). A day was planned in advance when the teaching would take place. The author had met on several occasions with the student therefore an introduction had been made. The author felt that effective communication is essential to facilitate learning, therefore adapted a friendly and approachable manner. This view is supported by McKimm, J. (2007) who believes the learner is able to express their views and make errors when a sociable atmosphere is set and maintained. McKimm, J. (2007) also discusses the concept of teaching by humiliation and the author is very aware from past experience, of the negative effect of power relations, and so becoming more sensitive to the needs of the student. As a good example, the student had seen the procedure of zeroing the CVP line, carried out previously as a part of the daily routine with the mentor/author but had neither performed it nor understood the relevance of it. i i

Friday, January 17, 2020

Ends, Ways and Means of Us Policy Towards North Korea Essay

â€Å"Ends are defined as the strategic outcomes or the end states desired. Ways are defined as the methods, tactics and procedures, practices, and strategies to achieve the ends. Means are defined as the resources required to achieve the ends, such as troops, weapons systems, money, political will and time. † MG Dennis J. Laich, USAR, Retired President Obama stated in the 2010 National Security Strategy that his administration â€Å"has no greater responsibility than the safety and security of the American people† (Obama, 2010, 4). In order to successfully safeguard and secure America, the administration must have clear foreign policy delineating how it will deal with the various states across the globe that pose potential threats to America. One of these is North Korea. The US policy ends this essay will focus on are denuclearization and the improvement of North Korea’s human rights record. The Obama Administration inherited a difficult situation with regard to North Korea’s continued attempts to advance its nuclear weapons program. The ends of US policy regarding North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is successful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula (Obama, 2010, 23). President Obama stated in his 2010 National Security Strategy, â€Å"if they [North Korea] ignore their international obligations, we will pursue multiple means to increase their isolation and bring them into compliance† (Ibid, 24). During his first term, President Obama chose to continue the Bush Administration’s policy of direct, bilateral diplomacy in effort to reduce North Korea’s nuclear threat (Klingner, 2009, 1). This effort included enforcement of existing sanctions, expansion of the Proliferation Security Initiative and demanding North Korean compliance with U. N. Security Council resolutions regarding the dissolution of Pyongyang’s nuclear program (Ibid). The US continues to use U. N. sanctions and diplomatic effort to reduce the nuclear threat North Korea presents. However, US policy does not focus solely on the denuclearization of North Korea. It also addresses other issues North Korea brings to the international stage such as human rights violations posed on the international front as well. Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is usually considered the main focus of US policy towards North Korea; however, issues such as North Korea’s illicit activities and human rights violations are also of concern (Chanlett-Avery, 2011). The strategy of the Obama Administration is to influence North Korea to improve its human rights record through international pressure and direct support via the North Korean Human Rights Act (Ibid, 13). The North Korean Human Rights Act (NKHRA) authorizes funds to support human rights efforts in North Korea and improve the flow of information to and from the country. It also requires the President to appoint a Special Envoy on human rights in North Korea. Additionally, it allows for North Koreans to apply for asylum in the United States (Ibid, 14). As of 2011, relatively few North Korean refugees live in the US, but the program continues to â€Å"facilitate the unhindered dissemination of information in North Korea† through Korean language radio broadcasts funded through the NKHRA’s $2M annual budget (Ibid). The ways and means of US policy towards North Korea require dedication, diligence and comprehensive confrontation using a combination of all instruments of national power (Ibid, 9). Nuclear proliferation may be the main issue between the US and North Korea, but it is not the only one. The US is also engaged with North Korea in effort to improve Pyongyang’s human rights record and improve the way the North Korean government treats its populace. US policy toward North Korea has proven to be similar to dealing with an obstinate, attention seeking child and will require patience and willingness to use all instruments of power should there be no other alternative.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Collaboration Between The Illinois Community College Board...

1- Introduction Interagency collaboration is the only approach to enhance sharing of duties and responsibilities in program implementation. The study aims to show the collaboration between the Illinois Community College Board and the Division of Humans capital development to improve adult literacy in the State of Illinois. In 2008, the two agencies entered an agreement with the aim of improving the literacy levels in the State and the objective of the agreement was to improve social literacy among the adults (Charles Horwarth, 2009). The project was to be implemented under the guardianship of the Illinois community College Board (ICCB) that has the responsibility of ensuring that the collaborating agencies work together to achieve the common mandates. The Federal government and the State department of Illinois have closely worked together to ensure that they eliminate the existing barriers that limit access to education. Communities can suffer significant setbacks if education is n ot prioritized with the significant impact being on the lack of the necessary skills to improve the social welfare of old people (Cunningham, 2014). The collaboration between ICCB and IDHS aims at improving the skills of working people by extending educational services to the vulnerable members of the society. The collaboration of the agencies aims at providing adult literacy services and improving the current family support services. The collaborative effort is focused mainly on improvingShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Collaboration Within The Organization2063 Words   |  9 PagesInteragency collaboration is the modern concept of collaboration in which different organization within and outside of government work together towards a common objective. Collaboration involves all the organizations and agencies in the advancement of the common agenda, and it has been the real catalyst for development (Finn Kohler, 2009). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hn220 Unit9 Crisis Intervention Essay examples - 2111 Words

‘Crisis Intervention’ Misty Wise Kaplan University HN220: Prevention and Crisis Intervention Professor Kristy McCan Vukoder Unit 2 Project: June 19, 2012 A crisis can be a terrible burden on any individual that has or is suffering through one; a crisis can leave a person with a great deal of anxiety and stress. As a crisis intervention worker it is my responsibility to at least try to help those that come into my office. Most that do come to me are going through a crisis of some kind or another and need to work through it. To help them work through their crisis I find that the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is a great asset. The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is an effective approach because I can provide temporary immediate†¦show more content†¦After I had established rapport with Jill and ensured that we had a reciprocal relationship I was then able to move on to the next phase. Stage B of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is mainly focused around identifying the problem. This can be considered the most crucial aspect of the ABC Model for providing therapeutic interaction. Identifying the precipitating event is impor tant but exploring the client’s perceptions and cognitions are even more important. If I was to actually help Jill then I had to find out her thoughts and feelings revolving around the situation. I already know that Jill is scared of her husband and that he does stuff to her when she does not respond the way he wants sexually. But now that I have gained Jill’s trust and we have moved into the B phase I can now get more specific. I decided to start out with some open-ended questions so that I was able to guide the conversation but also let her take over talking. After the opening question I posed I was then able to tie all of my other questions to what Jill had just said. My reasoning for this is because when a question is posed effectively essential information can be better gathered (Kanel, 2008). In addition to posing my questions the best I could I also made sure to paraphrase throughout the interview. Paraphrasing is very useful because it helps me clarify what my clients have said. It is smart to clarify so that not only you